1st Journal

News Story

Main headline : Alamak! akun Lembe Turah dinonaktifkan pihak Instagram, netizen mendadak galau!

For the users of Instagram must have been familiar with the account named @lambe_turah. The account is quite popular among celebrities in Indonesian which often reveal surprising facts will be the hottest and latest gossip from Indonesian artists. Not only popular, but these accounts are also often drawn controversy, even previously had been reported by the wife of Mario Teguh to the police. Later it was rumored that @lembe_turah account has been disabled by Instagram for having violated the provisions of Instagram. Suddenly that news was attention the netizens who regretted about it. I myself as an active user’s of Instagram feel regretted it, even though the account is very helpful giving will leak latest gossip from Indonesian artists.

According to some of the comments obtained from other Instagram users, the account is disabled by Instagram because has uploaded an inappropriate video to be shown. Of these at least will be a lesson for us who use social media to be wiser again to publish something that did not happen as account @ lembe_turah.
Source : http://style.tribunnews.com/2017/01/18/alamak-akun-lambe-turah-dinonaktifkan-pihak-instagram-netizen-mendadak-galau

Feature News Story

Main headline : 8 Tukang cukur pribadi pemimpin negara di dunia

Second headline : Ada beberapa tukang cukur kepercayaan yang sampai diperlakukan khusus bak seorang menteri atau perwira tingggi lho...

Barbers often considered one eye by the plumpness, this is due to become a barber does not necessarily need capital stout, with enough skill hair cut capital alone is enough to be a barber. But have you ever thought that a barber has a big authority than the head of state or even king. Yes, this is because when shaving one's head, the artisan shave that will adjust the position of the head of its customers. From the news I read through Line Today, it is quite interesting is how a head of state like Obama even President Jokowi subject to the barber. High position does not guarantee that a head of state should always be at the top, there was even a time where they should be set by others.

Of plumpness barber just those lucky people who can hold a hair of the state officials. Usually the barber is the subscription or people they trust so that state authorities are always using their services. Being a barber should not be underestimated because after all this work is very meritorious and influential in one's appearance.

Source: http://www.dream.co.id/your-story/8-tukang-cukur-pribadi-pemimpin-negara-di-dunia-1701183.html

Profile News

Main headline : Duet Jokowi JK

Second headline : Profil Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti

Born on January 15, 1965, Susi Pudjiastuti or often called Susi served as Minister of Marine and Fisheries in the Cabinet Kerja of Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kala on Sunday, October 26, 2014 at the State Palace in Central Jakarta. It is quite interesting to discuss because it is based on the educational background found that Susi is arguably quite low compared ministers who served in the cabinet Work Jokowi, JK. With only a junior high school diploma, it makes Susi reap stout controversy among the people of Indonesia. But this does not make Susi discouraged, in fact it makes her as a role model, which he has been so stout achievement in the field during his position as Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

Susi is become known in the community right now, it takes a stout struggle waged by her. Starting from a fish collectors to capitalize Rp750 thousand from selling jewelry in 1983 up to become a successful entrepreneur who can earn Rp300 billion in 2012, it is not easy lived. It took a long struggle that he became Susi is now widely recognized by society.

source : http://www.tribunnews.com/nasional/2014/10/26/profil-menteri-kelautan-dan-perikanan-susi-pudjiastuti


  1. I learn two things reading your blogs: simplicity, humbleness and respect to others regardless their social background and profession are very important.
    Interesting texts, Chris.


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